Club Membership 2020 and 2021

We are aware that many of you have already paid your membership fees.  However,  there are still a few that need to make their payments for 2020.  Although Medway Park has been closed for 4 months and there has been limited or no competition for most athletes in 2020, the club still requires income to continue to operate. 

To compensate for the lack of track use and entries, it is intended to reduce the membership fees for 2021.  It is difficult to assess the actual amount of the reduction until later in the year.  The club has still had and will have many outgoings in 2020, such as EA registration, which is £15 for every athlete, track hire before and after lock-down, some league fees (which may be held over), coaching courses, equipment improvements, etc.  It is not currently known whether Cross-country or Road Relays will be taking place or not later this year/early next year.  If they do they will require entry fees for both league and individual registration.

If you are needing to pay membership, please go on to the M&M joining page and complete the renewal form. BACs payment is currently preferred than cheque. BACs details can be found on the membership form. Include the name and age group e.g. U17 or Mini in the reference. Do not just send payment without completing a renewal form. Please send your completed forms to Alternatively you can send these by post to the address on the membership form.

Thank you.